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Worms for the Win!!  A PBL Passion Project at TAGOS Leadership Academy by Breanna Morsadi, June 6, 2019

Children learning about worms
Children learning about worms
Children learning about worms

Shout Out to Logan Levitski

project based learning with logan leviski

Logan is currently researching how a combination of mental illness, mindsets, and peers can be deadly. Because of his interests, he reached out to the current principal of Columbine High School and talked with him about the massacre from 22 years ago. 

Education is a game changer. At TAGOS students have voice and choice over their projects. This one just happened to change a student's life. Well done Logan. We're excited to see what we will accomplish for our community on April 20th because of your leadership, drive, and willingness to serve others.

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