TAGOS Handbook
Student Handbook 2020-2021
2531 Mineral Point Janesville, WI 53545 PHONE: 608-290-0468
TAGOS Leadership Academy Staff Members
- TAGOS Governance Board Member
- Overview
- Graduation Credits Needed
- Daily Schedule
- Attendance/Timelines
- Health Insurance
- Other Information
TAGOS Governance Board Member
What is TAGOS?
Student-driven, project-based learning does not resemble the traditional comprehensive school structure. Instead of the classrooms, curricula, direct instruction, and a ratio of 30 students to 1 teacher found in traditional schools, project-based schools personalize the education for each student and give learners the opportunity to choose, plan, research, and complete academic, hands-on projects that lead to real life/authentic learning. Whenever possible, students take their learning into the real world, consulting community experts as a part of their research. Student projects align with Common Core Standards and Wisconsin Model Academic Standards. TAGOS students learn valuable 21st Century career skills in the areas of time management, planning, organization, communication, team building, and problem solving.
TAGOS Essentials
- Relationships
- Community
- Personalized Education
- Experiential Learning
- Growth Mindset
- Student Driven
TAGOS Core Values for Students
- Self-Motivated Life Long Learner
- Personal Responsibility for Actions
- Attend to Achieve
- Intra/Inter Relationship Skills
- Value Self, Value Others, and Value Community
- Conflict Resolution and Problem Solving
TAGOS Leadership Academy is a student-driven, project-based school for students in grades 7-12. Our school is located in a business center and is set up to resemble a corporate office. Students work at their own work stations, similar to a low-rise office cubicle. TAGOS Leadership Academy is rich in culture and technology. Students have their own computers and personalize their work stations. Each student at TAGOS Leadership Academy is assigned to an advisor with a student to teacher ratio of 16-18 students to 1 teacher.
TAGOS Leadership Academy offers a learning model that is based on student interests, Common Core, and Wisconsin Model Academic Standards. Projects are managed via an online project-based management system. This system assists students with the entire project process from start to finish.
Students participate in personalized math courses as well as math seminars, experiences, and daily enrichment. Students also participate in communication arts seminars which include literature study, reading, communication skills, presentation skills, and writing skills. Reading and math remediation programs are provided to students who are not achieving at grade level in these areas.
Projects take on multiple formats at TAGOS Leadership Academy; however, they all have similar requirements. Students are expected to complete a minimum of six student-led projects per year (one per block). Students will propose a new project by the first week of each block and will present by the last week of each block. This schedule may be modified at the discretion of the advisor for students working on shorter projects. If a student fails to complete a project each block, the parent/guardian will be contacted and the student may be expected to stay after school. Students may complete more than one project each block and the due dates would be personalized.
Students must document the number of hours of work time for each project by logging time in our project management system. Time logs are evidence of learning and should include details of what the student completed and what new learning occurred. On a student transcript 100 hours of project work equals 1 credit earned on a student transcript. There are six phases to the project process: Proposal, Research, Planning, Production, Pre-Assessment, and Assessment.
Teacher Led Projects blend student-centered, project-based learning with teacher directed learning. Teacher Led Projects are selected based on student needs and interests and are a balance between student collaboration and teacher led instruction.
Student Led Projects center around student interests and passions. Individual projects typically relate to an area of interest and topics that are most pertinent to a student’s possible career path.
Student Led Group Projects are encouraged and can be proposed by students with similar interests or credit needs. Group projects will require the same process that an individual project would in regards to proposal, documentation of time spent, etc.
Mathematics at TAGOS will be personalized and paced to each student and their needs for growth and credit. Students will be placed in a specific math course based on their current skills and/or their credit needs for graduation. Students will utilize an online website called ALEKS math (or other approved curriculum) as the centerpiece of their learning experience and skill development, but also be expected to attend seminars with our math teacher and complete experiential math assignments as assigned. Each course will be split into four quarters, with each quarter having specific benchmarks that the student must master. When all benchmarks are mastered via quarterly assessments the student will earn .25 credits toward their graduation or advancement to high school.
Students are given the opportunity to work on math at their own pace during math time, as well as other times when students feel they want to progress through math at a faster pace. Students who complete the required 3 credits of math early are highly encouraged to continue studying math to assure they are prepared for life after high school. The student should discuss their plan with their advisor.
Advisory is an important time for building student skill and relationships amongst community members at TAGOS Leadership Academy, as well as teaching the proper project skills that we expect to assure the process is completed correctly.
Active participation is required for Elective Leadership credit (0.5 credits per semester). Morning advisory starts at 8:15 and afternoon advisory starts at 2:50. Advisors may hold additional and/or longer advisory circles as they see fit.
Seminars can take on many forms. Seminars can provide enrichment or additional support for English, Math, Social Studies and Project-Based Learning/Personal Learning Plans. Seminars may also include guest speakers, Junior Achievement Activities, Personal Responsibility lessons, or performing arts groups.
Reading is an essential period of time and occurs every day for 45 minutes. Students are expected to be at their desk and reading a book which interests them three days per week. The ultimate goal of daily reading is to build a lifelong habit of daily reading. Students will also utilize Achieve3000 which provides differentiated high interest readings designed to increase students’ lexiles two days per week.
Service Learning is an important element of a small learning community. Service learning occurs on campus or in the greater community. Students completing service learning projects earn Elective credit and must have preapproval from their advisor prior to beginning work on their project. It is important to note that service learning is not the same as community service. Service learning connects meaningful service to the community with curriculum based learning.
Physical Education credit can be difficult to earn in a project based school; however, TAGOS is dedicated to the physical fitness of our students and encourage healthy lifestyle choices. TAGOS will provide physical education opportunities at least two times per week until winter, weather permitting. It is highly encouraged that students continue with physical education beyond the 1.5 credits that are required for high school graduation. Acceptable activities for students to earn physical education credit include: walking, running, biking, dancing, swimming, organized sports, exercise DVDs, stretching, and more based on advisor approval.
Work Study Opportunities are available to all TAGOS students. High school students can earn up to 2 elective credits total for participating in a work study opportunity. Students must submit pay stubs or time sheets to their advisor and write a work journal and reflective essay at the end of each semester to obtain credit. See your advisor as to what should be included in the work study essay. Finally, students that hold a steady job throughout the school year will be allowed to leave school daily at 2:00 pm with parent and staff authorization. (See Form - Appendix E)
Begin College Now & Early College Credit allow students to take college courses while still in high school. Approved courses that are successfully completed are paid for by the district.
Graduation Credits Needed
Graduation Credits Needed
High School:
English | 4.0 |
Mathematics | 3.0 |
Social Studies* | 3.0 |
Science** | 3.0 |
Physical Education | 1.5 |
PBL Seminar | .5 |
Financial Literacy | .5 |
Health*** | .5 |
Career Choices | .5 |
Additional English, Math, Science or Social Studies | 1.0 |
Electives (Leadership, Reading, Other) | 9.0 |
Total Credits Required for Graduation | 26.5 |
*1.0 credit must be US History (Civics Test Requirements must be met)
**1.0 Physical, 1.0 Biology/Life, 1.0 Other Science Credit
***0.5 Health is required during high school regardless of whether it was taken in 7th or 8th grade.
Freshman = 0 – 6.5 Credits
Sophomore = 6.5 – 13.5 Credits
Junior = 13.5 – 20.5 Credits
Senior = 20.5 – 26.5 Credits
Middle School: Yearly Credit Expectations:
English | 1.0 |
Mathematics | 1.0 |
Social Studies* | .75 |
Science** | .75 |
Physical Education | .25 |
Health*** | .25 |
Reading | .5 |
Choice Electives | 1.0 |
Total Credits Required for movement to next grade level | 5.5 |
School Management and Governance
The governance of TAGOS Leadership Academy employs a multi-tiered approach
- School District of Janesville’s Board of Education
- TAGOS is an instrumentality of the School District of Janesville
- TAGOS Leadership Academy Governance Board
- Meets regularly to review progress, policy, finances, etc.
- Dean of Students
- Conduct administrative duties to operate TAGOS Leadership Academy
- Principal
- Acts as a liaison between the school district and TAGOS Leadership Academy
School Fees are assessed at $26.50 per student per school year. Students who are also attending their high schools are to register with that high school and pay fees to them directly. School fees are due during the first week of each school year. Checks must be made to the School District of Janesville.
Students that attend TAGOS Leadership Academy have the option to purchase a school district lunch. Information in regards to the pricing of school district lunches will be provided at the beginning of the school year. Please fill out the proper forms if you believe your child qualifies for free and reduced lunch. Contact our administrative assistant at 608.290.0468 to obtain a form or ask questions in regards to free and reduced lunch for your child.
Academic Progress and Reporting will occur at the end of each semester as credits earned will be reported via a School District of Janesville transcript which will be sent home in the mail. Students will receive a Pass (P) for all credits earned. TAGOS Leadership Academy staff expects all students to complete project work that shows mastery of content in the areas studied. Parents are encouraged to contact their student’s advisor for updated credit information. Students on academic contracts will be contacted at least once a month with updates from an advisor or Dean of Students to assure students are on target to meet the goals of their contract.
Daily Schedule
Daily Schedule
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | |
8:00-8:30 | Advisory | Advisory | Advisory | Advisory | Advisory |
8:30-9:30 | PBL | PBL | PBL | PBL | PBL |
9:30-10:15 | Teacher led PBL or Math Session 1 | PBL | PBL | PBL | PBL |
10:15-11:00 | Teacher led PBL or Math Session 2 | PBL | Teacher led PBL or Math Session 1 | PBL | Teacher led PBL or Math Session 1 |
11:00-11:45 | Teacher led PBL or Math Session 3 | PBL | Teacher led PBL or Math Session 2 | PBL | Teacher led PBL or Math Session 2 |
11:45-12:30 | Lunch | Lunch | Lunch | Lunch | Lunch |
12:30-1:15 | Teacher led PBL or Math Session 4 | Read Time | Read Time | Read Time | Read Time |
1:15-1:45 | Phy Ed | Math | Teacher led PBL or Math Session 3 | Math | Teacher led PBL or Math Session 3 |
1:45-1:55 | Advisory | Phy Ed | Teacher led PBL or Math Session 4 | Phy Ed | Teacher led PBL or Math Session 4 |
2:00-3:45 | Staff Meeting | Advisory | Advisory | Advisory | Advisory |
Students will participate in Physical Education Opportunities at least 2 times per week until winter, weather permitting. If Physical Education does not take place, students will have additional PBL time.
**Schedule may fluctuate based on activities that may arise.
Staff typically leaves school between 3:45 - 4:30 pm. All students should plan to leave the school property by 3:45 pm (2 pm on Mondays), unless arrangements have been made with their advisor and a parent.
ATTENDANCE is the SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT aspect of your success at TAGOS Leadership Academy. If you must be absent or have a medical or dental appointment, a parent must call 608.290.0468 or send a written and signed parental permission note specifying the date and time of the appointment to the school administrative assistant by 8:30 am to report your absence/appointment. In order for the appointment to be considered a medical excuse, the student/parent must submit a doctor's note to the school educational assistant upon return; otherwise the day will be subtracted from the 10 allowed parent excused days. Students will also need to follow sign in/out procedures.
Excused absences such as family trips require a written request from a parent prior to date of absence.
All students are expected to arrive at TAGOS Leadership Academy no later than 8:00 am.
By 9:00 am, the administrative assistant will begin placing calls to parents for students absent without prior parental communication. Infinite Campus alerts will be utilized to contact parents for absences when the student was present the prior day. The administrative assistant will place personal calls when the student is absent for the second day in a row without parent contact.
TAGOS Leadership Academy adheres to the School District of Janesville's attendance guidelines. For details about excused or unexcused absences, tardiness, and truancy see the district policy.
Attendance concerns may be handled on a case-by-case basis utilizing the student's personalized learning plan (PLP). Failure to attend school regularly may result in your dismissal from TAGOS Leadership Academy.
TAGOS Attendance Procedures
Excused Absences
- 5 absences
- Advisor calls home to inform parent they have used ½ of their total excused days
- Building Secretary sends letter home
- 8 absences
- Advisor calls home to inform parent they have 2 remaining
- 10 absences
- Attendance meeting with Parent, Student, Advisor, & Dean
- Attendance contract
Unexcused Absences (U* & U60**)
- Advisor and Dean are notified-consequence may be given for all unexcused absences
- 1 absences
- Advisor calls home
- 5 absences
- Attendance meeting with Parent, Student, Advisor, & Dean
- Letter given notifying parents 5 more days = ticket
- Attendance contract
- 8 absences
- Building Secretary sends letter home notifying parents 2 more days = ticket
- 10 absences
- Ticket is issued
- Attendance meeting with Parent, Student, Advisor, & Dean
- Attendance contract revisited
- 15 absences
- Process is started for student to return to their home school or apply to an alternate charter option
- 20 absences
- Ticket is issued
Consequences for any unexcused absence can include one or more of the following:
- Call home from Advisor or Dean
- Parent Meeting
- Closed Campus lunch
- Stay after school 3-3:30
- In School Suspension
- Revocation of Experience Day Privilege
- Home Visits
- Contract Revisions
- Student Ticket
- Parent Ticket
*U=Unexcused Absences (no call, truant, etc.)
**U60=Students are allowed 10 parent excused days any missed time above and beyond that is unexcused even if a parent calls to report the absence. The exception to this is a doctor’s note which is always an excused absence.
Leaving During the School Day
Appointments: If your student has an appointment, a parent must call 608.290.0468 or send a written and signed parental permission note specifying the date and time of the student's appointment. Students should return from an appointment with a doctor note excusing them for missed school time. If the student will be leaving from school, the student must sign-out in the front of the building, and submit a note excusing them for the time missed. Upon return, if during the same school day, students must sign-in in the front of the building.
Live Resource Interviews/Research/Library
Students leaving for live resource interviews, research, or library use must have a Community Travel Form completed by their guardian on file and a completed Site Visitation Request Form signed by a guardian and given to their advisor by 9 am on the day of the off campus visit.
Health Services
Parents/guardians are required to complete a health condition/emergency information form and return it to the TAGOS Leadership Academy office by the end of the first week of school.
To prevent the spread of communicable disease, staff must be informed of all students who have contracted a communicable disease including, but not limited to, the following: chicken pox, pinkeye (conjunctivitis), measles, mumps, rubella, impetigo, ringworm, head lice, scabies, strep throat, etc. Contact the school regarding readmission guidelines for each particular disease.
If a student becomes ill or injured at school, first aid or other necessary care will be given immediately. School personnel will not assume responsibility for any medical treatment beyond first aid. Prescription drugs and/or medication, including aspirin and Tylenol, may be administered once the proper paperwork has been completed by a parent and physician. If your child becomes ill at school, every attempt will be made to send your child home. Should your child have an injury of a serious nature, parents will be called immediately; if parents cannot be contacted, a doctor will be called or the student will be transported to the nearest clinic or hospital for examination.
For guidelines regarding administration of medication to students, refer to the School District of Janesville Policy Manual.
Health Insurance
The School District of Janesville does not provide health or accidental insurance for injuries incurred by students at school. Parents are encouraged to review their present health and accident insurance policy to determine if coverage is adequate. The school district makes accident insurance available if you are interested and do not receive information on this insurance please contact the school at the beginning of the year.
Routine Building Procedures
TAGOS Leadership Academy has in place a non-crisis security plan/practice for daily use as follows:
1) During the instructional day, all exterior doors remain locked.
2) Staff members are responsible for limiting access to building zones not authorized for use outside of normal school hours. Staff members will be responsible to assure that all exterior doors remain locked and operational.
3) All advisors and school/community groups utilizing building space after school hours and on weekends are responsible for securing doors, limiting access, and assuring that the building is clear and locked prior to exiting the building.
Crisis Plan
A Crisis Plan is on file at TAGOS Leadership Academy and the district office. Staff will brief students on all components of the plan. If a crisis should occur, advisors will contact parents as soon as feasibly possible. If students are evacuated from the building, they will meet with advisors in their assigned areas and attendance will be taken. All students will be expected to stay with the group for safety and security reasons.
Emergency Medical Situations
A staff member must be notified immediately of an emergency medical situation. Once staff has been alerted, students are expected to clear the area and let staff members who are trained in first aid perform their duties. Students are also expected to follow all staff instructions during emergency situations, for their own safety and the safety of others.
Other Information
Please Download for Forms to be filled out
Fire Safety Plan
TAGOS Leadership Academy practices fire safety once per month. In case of a fire, students and staff on the south side of the building will be escorted out the front main doors and meet in the parking lot to the south of the building and the students on the north side will be escorted out the north entrance and meet in on the sidewalk to north of the TAGOS Leadership Academy trash bin. Staff will take attendance and evacuate if necessary.
Tornado Safety Plan
When the TAGOS Leadership Academy community is threatened with severe weather situations where tornadoes are of a high possibility, students will be moved from their workstations in the front of the building to the back hallways that contain strong cement block walls, no windows, and few unsecured items. If the severe weather were to occur at the end of the school day, students and staff will remain in the back halls until the conditions outside become safe. Students will then be allowed to leave. TAGOS Leadership Academy staff will not answer the door/phone for parents to remove their students during a tornado threat to assure that parents, students, and staff are all safe.
End of School Year
Students at TAGOS Leadership Academy have a staggered end to the school year. Starting the first Wednesday in June, students who have completed math and project work, thoroughly cleaned their work station, and completed an assigned cleaning task from their advisor will have the opportunity to finish their year early.
Graduation Ceremony
The TAGOS Leadership Academy graduation occurs the evening of the first Wednesday of June. Graduation gowns will be ordered in February, see the administrative assistant for more information.
Diplomas and Transcript Requests
At graduation students may not receive their official diploma. If this occurs, staff will work diligently after graduation to prepare diplomas to distribute to graduates. Due to the nature of our school, staff are typically not in the building from the middle of June thru the middle of August. The administrative assistant or Dean of Students will mail diplomas out by July 15th of each year, unless an unforeseen circumstance causes diplomas to be delayed.
Depending on the age of the student/alumni a parent/guardian may need to provide a signature allowing us to release a transcript. A release can be found in Appendix D of this handbook. Please contact the administrative assistant or Dean of Students to get assistance in ordering a transcript.
Summer School
TAGOS Leadership Academy Summer School started in 2010 and is intended for students who are behind in credits, potential TAGOS Leadership Academy students who are trying the school out prior to the fall, or retention students from Janesville School District traditional middle schools. Middle school students who do not complete 5 credits of work during the school year will be requested to join TAGOS Leadership Academy Summer School to assist them in staying with their grade level the following school year.
Interscholastic/Intramural Offerings
Students are allowed to participate in traditional school co-curricular/extracurricular activities if approved by the advisor and associated organization.
As per the WIAA, students in the TAGOS Leadership Academy will be able to participate in athletics. Please contact the Dean of Students to discuss how to get involved with athletic teams at Craig or Parker.
TAGOS is not a traditional school and does not provide the typical athletic and extracurricular offerings on site. However, TAGOS supports educating the whole child and believe that there are many alternative ways to meet educational goals. TAGOS sponsored clubs and performance arts activities will be scheduled during the year. Other alternatives may include private lessons, community teams/leagues, YMCA programs, etc. Students must consult with their advisor to determine needs and wants in extracurricular areas.
Visitors to the School. The administration and staff welcome families, community members and other interested persons who wish to visit schools in our district. However, the administration needs to balance the desires of persons wanting to visit a school with its responsibility to provide an environment which is conducive to learning and protective of the safety and welfare of students and staff. Please refer to Administrative Regulation 1240.1 for the complete policy and regulation on visitors to our schools.
Former Students are able to visit TAGOS Leadership Academy; however, they should come after 2:45 unless they have made prior arrangements with staff.
Student Pet Visitors are not allowed in the TAGOS Leadership Academy building at any time unless prior arrangement has been made with Dean of Students. Staff occasionally bring in their own pets, as the TAGOS Leadership Academy charter states that TAGOS is allowed to have a school dog.
Parent Involvement begins with the development of the child’s Personalized Learning Plan (PLP) along with the student and advisor. Parents will provide further support through school involvement, organization of community events, and participation at the TAGOS Leadership Academy. Additional opportunities will include conferences, event nights, special presentations, and much more.
There are many opportunities for parental involvement at TAGOS Leadership Academy. Depending upon talents, schedule, and availability, a parent/guardian may desire to participate in one or more of the following ways:
- Participate in student-advisor-parent consultations
- Learn the Project Process so that you may assist your child and volunteer to assist students at schoo
- Provide input and feedback to advisors
- Share with the community the exciting concept of TAGOS Leadership Academy
- Attend TAGOS Leadership Academy Project Event Nights
- Participate in car pools to and from school events and learning experiences
- Chaperone TAGOS Leadership Academy events
- Offer yourself as a resource to TAGOS Leadership Academy students in the area of your expertise
- Share knowledge of community resources with TAGOS Leadership Academy staff and students
- Assist TAGOS Leadership Academy students and teachers on site.
- Provide administrative assistance from school or home ex. mailings, word processing, phone calls, etc.
- Organize community events
- Be on an active TAGOS Leadership Academy committee
- Attend Governance Board Meetings
- Support your child’s interests and efforts
Expectations for Continued Studies
TAGOS Leadership Academy is an educational CHOICE for students in the Janesville School District. At TAGOS Leadership Academy, students may find an educational environment in which they enjoy learning and that leads to graduation. However, this choice is not the right fit for everyone, and some students may not find success in our environment. The staff and Governance Board have put together a process for transitioning a student from TAGOS Leadership Academy to another school inside or outside of the Janesville School District.
Students not making adequate academic, attendance, and/or behavior progress may be placed on a growth contract to focus students on the tasks and skills necessary to continue attending TAGOS.
- Meeting with their advisor/proposal team to develop a progress plan
- Parent/student/staff conference to develop an improvement plan
- Possible transfer back to traditional or other educational environment at semester
Status and Privilege
- All students at TAGOS Leadership Academy have basic rights and privileges (work station and computer, access to technology, adequate freedom of movement during work times, etc.)
- Students who are "on-track," both in current and cumulative academic standing will be eligible for certain privileges as designed by the learning community
- Unique privileges may be applied for and will only be afforded to students demonstrating outstanding leadership at TAGOS Leadership Academy
*For more information, please see the TAGOS Leadership Academy Progress Expectations Sheet that is included in this packet (Appendix A).
Conflict Resolution and Problem Solving
With open dialogue and communication, a positive approach to problem solving, and the proper focus, the need for a formal conflict resolution policy will rarely be necessary. Conflict resolution at TAGOS Leadership Academy will use the Capturing Kids Hearts process and students will abide by the agreed upon social contract developed by the student body. Conflicts between parents, students, and/or advisors require a face-to-face meeting with all involved parties. Meeting to resolve conflict will use the social contract policies set forth by the student body.
Restorative Justice
TAGOS Leadership Academy uses restorative measures which seek to make things "right" for all parties involved. Circles, conferencing and mediation are tools used to help problem solve and resolve conflicts. The TAGOS Leadership Academy staff understands that when problems occur between others or others make poor choices/misbehavior, an opportunity exists to restore relationships. Students are expected to participate in the restorative process by allowing others an opportunity to voice their feelings about the issue while actively listening and doing what they can to right whatever wrong has been committed. Once the issue has been restored, there is no need for further consequences. Parents will be notified when students receive traditional consequences and on a case-by-case basis when using restorative practices.
Student Code of Conduct
In a project-based model, serious disciplinary problems are rare. Students in this model are often times more focused, parents are better informed and involved, and the tone of the school demands cooperation. All discipline will be first handled between student and advisor. Unresolved and unrestored disciplinary issues will require Dean of Students and parent participation. Severe individual situations will be dealt with according to school board policy and state statutes.
In addition to school consequences, students who violate the law while on school property or at school sponsored events may be cited according to local police authority.
Dress Expectations
TAGOS follows the district’s policy for attire* (See SDJ Policy Handbook). Staff expects that all students wear appropriate attire that would not be considered a distraction to the learning environment. If a student’s attire is inappropriate, including but not limited to revealing undergarments or offensive words/pictures, parents may be called to bring a change of clothing before the child is allowed to return to their workstation.
*Pajamas, pajama pants, and sweat pants are not allowed.
Treating Our Building With Respect
Much money was spent during the inception of TAGOS Leadership Academy to ensure that students had the things they needed to do Project Based Learning. Unfortunately, not all students appreciate the beautiful facilities and tools that we have been allowed to purchase and use. If you see another student causing damage to the TAGOS Leadership Academy building or possessions YOU NEED to REPORT this to an advisor immediately. This is part of our culture and a way for you as a member to affirm that commitment to your school and yourself. Mistreatment and/or vandalism of the building or items in/out of the building will be dealt with on a case by case basis. It is the right of all students to work in a well maintained and clean facility with proper tools/items at their disposal. The destruction of school property, including desks, chairs, computers, etc. will be dealt with on a case by case basis. Consequences could include repairing the damage, apologizing to the community, parent meeting, report with police, suspension, or even expulsion.
Treating TAGOS Neighbors with Respect
TAGOS was created to look and feel different than a traditional school setting and is therefore located in a business park. To assure we have strong relationships and the support of our neighbors so we can continue to have the opportunity to provide educational services in our current building we expect that students treat our neighbors with respect and courtesy.
Parking Lot and Busing Behavior
Students being transported are reminded that they are to conduct themselves in a lawful and orderly manner at all times. Students violating bus regulations are subject to disciplinary action.
All drivers are expected to follow the direction of traffic flow and speed limit when coming or leaving TAGOS Leadership Academy. All drivers will need to obtain a parking permit through Parker High School.
Community Cleanup
All students will be expected to give back to the TAGOS Leadership Academy community through cleaning chores at the end of school days for one week every three weeks throughout the school year. Students can do their part each day by cleaning up immediately after they create a mess, reminding others to clean up their mess, sorting recyclables and trash into the correct containers, doing dishes as they are used; however, that will not cover all cleaning issues. As members of a small school, with part time custodial help, it is important for all members to give back to their community and do their best to keep their school looking cool. Each day students and staff will be expected to complete small duties (vacuum, wipe down microwave, wash remaining dishes, etc.) to keep our school clean. With students and staff taking care of the small duties, our custodial help can take the time to take care of the major cleaning issues that none of us want to do and make sure our school looks fantastic for years to come. Thanks in advance.
Technology Use Policy
Access to technology is a privilege and demands responsibility. All students will be expected to comply with technology use rules established by the School District of Janesville.
Technology use at TAGOS Leadership Academy is to be used solely for educational purposes. All electronic communications are not private, but subject to review and monitoring by staff. Computers may be searched and programs deleted if they are not supporting education and learning, including personal computers. NO software can be installed until it has been approved by school district technology staff.
Students must notify staff immediately if they encounter materials that are offensive or violate appropriate use.
Inappropriate Use of Technology
Includes but is not limited to:
- sending or displaying offensive messages or pictures
- using obscene language
- harassing, insulting or attacking others
- loading software on district owned computers
- damaging computers, computer systems or computer networks
- violating copyright laws
- using others’ passwords
- trespassing in others’ files or work
- intentionally wasting limited resources
- using the network for commercial or for profitable purposes
- using the network for personal, religious, political or private business
- using the network to access pornographic or other inappropriate materials
- portraying themselves on personal Internet Home Page as representatives of the School
- District of Janesville or an individual school
- copying or using someone else’s work without their permission
Phone and Electronic Device Policy
Personal devices and cellular phones are not allowed to be used at TAGOS Leadership Academy from 8:00 am to 2:55 pm. Students have a choice of either leaving phones at home or in their car or prior to advisory, placing their device in their desk, or locking up their device in their advisory safe if it becomes a distraction. (See TAGOS Phone and Electronic Device Policy on Page 39)
Students will continue to be allowed to listen to music at their computer; however, the use of a personal electronic device or phone for music will not be allowed. Students have access to several online music services (Spotify and Pandora). We continue to expect that students utilize headphones while listening to music at an appropriate volume as to not distract or bother others and their work. The use of Youtube or similar sites to access music will not be allowed at TAGOS.
Though Electronic Devices are not allowed at TAGOS, students are reminded that all electronic devices are prohibited in restrooms unless powered off in accordance with State Stature 175.22. Unauthorized devices prohibited on school premises or an any school-sponsored activity. Personally owned electronic devices may be searched as permitted by law. Please refer to Board Policy 6724 and the related Administrative Regulations for the complete policy on Instructional Technology and the Acceptable Use Policy for Technology.
Reporting of Student Misconduct to the Police Department will be completed by the School District regarding certain incidents. Parents will be notified of these disciplinary actions in a timely fashion.
Game Play
Students at TAGOS Leadership Academy have direct access to a wide variety of electronic entertainment options via the Internet, and they are trusted to use that access responsibly. No video game play will be allowed during the school day unless the game is of clear educational value and the student has been given prior approval by an advisor. Games played before and after school or during lunch must be non-violent and age-appropriate in content, and must not tax the school's internet connection. Students who abuse this privilege may have the privilege revoked and/or lose Internet permission rights.
Studio Use
Students who desire to use the TAGOS Leadership Academy Studio must have the approval of their advisor and will need to sign in with our math teacher at the beginning and then check-out with them again at the end of their session. Food and drinks are not allowed in the TAGOS Leadership Academy Studio and those students who desire to continue using the studio should meet this expectation.
Students Driving Students
Students are not allowed to drive other students from TAGOS Leadership Academy to any location during the school day, unless the driver and rider's parents both have submitted signed notes stating their permission to the administrative assistant. Please also remember that no student is allowed to leave the school grounds unless they have completed 6 credits of high school credit.
Smoking on School Grounds
Students, parents, and visitors are restricted from smoking on the grounds of TAGOS Leadership Academy or Arrow Park.
Lunch Policy
During lunchtime, only students who have Sophomore Credit Status or higher at TAGOS Leadership Academy (6 Credits) may leave the campus. Lunch occurs between 11:45 am and 12:30 pm. Students are expected to cook their lunch between these times and return to their desks prepared for read time at the end of lunch. Students are expected to eat lunch away from office cubicles.
Lunch options for students are as follows:
1) Students may pack a lunch and/or have in-school storage of easily prepared items. Students will have access to kitchen facilities in order to prepare meals. We ask that parents support our efforts to limit consumption of unreasonable limits of sugars and caffeine.
2) School District Food Service.
Food and Beverage Policy
TAGOS Leadership Academy students are allowed the freedom to consume snack food and drinks with caps/covers while working at their desks; however, it is expected that desks will be cleaned up at the end of each day, with no food or beverage containers left behind. Students must also recognize the difference between a snack and a meal. Work time is for work, but you are allowed to have snacks and drinks, while lunch time is for eating lunch. All food prepared in a microwave or stove, except for popcorn, is considered a meal and is only expected to be prepared during lunch time (11:45 am - 12:15 pm). Snacks and beverages with caps/covers will continue to be allowed at each student's office cubicle.
Theft of Valuables
Students are responsible for ensuring that their valuables are secured by keeping valuables on their person at all times. If you own something of value and bring it to TAGOS Leadership Academy please mark it with some type of identification stating your ownership. If you know of a theft YOU NEED to REPORT this IMMEDIATELY. This is part of our culture and a way for you as a member to affirm that commitment to TAGOS Leadership Academy and yourself. Theft will be dealt with on a case by case basis. It is the right of the student from whom something was taken to request restorative justice. If the article is worth a substantial amount, the police will be called and a report will be filed.
Drugs and Alcohol
Drugs and alcohol use or procession at school will be reported to the Janesville Police Department, the student will receive a ticket and will automatically receive a five day suspension and be referred for a pre-expulsion hearing. Students may also need to complete Prime for Life for classes. If the student has a Probation Officer they will also be notified of the occurrence. Parents will be called and be expected to take their student home, if an arrest is not made.
Student Desks and Other District Property
Ownership and control of desks, school-issued tablets and other district property is maintained by the School District of Janesville. Students are granted use of desks, tablets and other District property in accordance with Board Policy 5231. The school district reserves the right to have a school official, or his/her designee, conduct a search at any time without consent of the student, without notifying the student and without obtaining a search warrant. Searches of student lockers and/or personal belongings will be reasonable. There should be reasonable grounds for suspecting that a search will yield contraband or turn up evidence that a student has or is violating the law, school rules or board policy. An administrator or his/her designee may contact law enforcement officials for assistance in conducting a search. Each building will distribute this policy information to enrolled students. Students should share in the responsibility of keeping the district schools in their best possible condition. The Board views vandalism against school property by students as reprehensible. Any student who needlessly damages school property or equipment shall be held responsible and shall make restitution to the school in the amount determined by the administration. When a student is unable to make restitution, the parent or guardian shall be held liable.
Admission Procedures for Regular Education Students
To begin the process a Parent and Student must complete the TAGOS Application. Upon receipt of the TAGOS Application the administrative assistant will contact the parent to setup an initial meeting. The initial meeting will be to provide information, showcase the learning environment, and discuss potential openings or an estimated time of admission.
At the initial meeting the student will be provided a 10 hour project to complete with time logs, paper, and presentation all due at the next meeting. The administrative assistant will then schedule a student presentation and visit for the following week. The student will then present the project, hand in their paper and time logs, and remain at TAGOs for a 2 hour student visit.
To assure the community at TAGOS Leadership Academy remains healthy from year to year the middle school grades will max out at 12 students in each grade level. This policy may be waived under special circumstances at the discretion of the Dean if the school has not reached its capacity of 72. The school will also have a maximum of 4 expelled students in attendance at the same time. Applying students with current family members already attending TAGOS will have priority in admission and can override grade level cap; if necessary.
When an opening is secured the administrative assistant will walk the parent through the process of completing the correct paper work to enroll the student.
Admission Procedures for Special Education Students
The process for special education students will be consistent with the regular education student, except that prior to a special education student being accepted at TAGOS Leadership Academy a Special Education IEP team must convene and determine if the student’s placement at TAGOS would be beneficial in meeting the student’s IEP. If the IEP team finds that TAGOS is an environment that the student would find success and there is a current opening, the administrative assistant will then walk the parent through the process of completing the correct paperwork to enroll the student.
At the initial meeting the student will be provided a 10 hour project to complete with time logs, paper, and presentation all due at the next meeting. The administrative assistant will then schedule a student presentation and visit for the following week’s Monday morning. The student will then present the project, hand in their paper and time logs, and remain at TAGOs for a 2 hour student visit.
Student Transfers from TAGOS
Students in the lottery pool can at any time during the year be accepted to attend TAGOS Leadership Academy as space becomes available and start at the beginning of the next semester.
Students wishing to transfer to a different school within the School District of Janesville may do so at the close of the semester. The parent should notify our administrative assistant to discuss their desire to change their student’s school setting at the close of the semester and then visit their future school’s counseling center to create a schedule.
Enrollment Options for High School Students
High school students attending TAGOS Leadership Academy may choose to enroll in up to two courses at what would be their traditional high school (Craig or Parker). It is suggested that if a student takes course work at their high school that they schedule two classes together (back-to-back) at the beginning or end of the day to limit time spent in travel. Students are responsible for providing their own transportation to and from these classes with minimal interruption to the TAGOS school day.
Students Under an Expulsion Order
Students who are expelled may only attend TAGOS Leadership Academy or other options per their individual circumstances. Expelled students are prohibited from being on any district property or attending district sponsored events except those held on site at the TAGOS Leadership Academy grounds. Expelled students wishing to be in traditional school settings will require a request to the superintendent initiated by the Dean of Students. TAGOS allows up to 4 expelled students to attend the school simultaneously.
Behaviors of Concern
Exhibiting behaviors that disrupt our learning environment may result in a loss of school privileges, discipline referral, parent contact, and/or moving to Steps One, Two, or Three on our Progress Expectations. As perceived by TAGOS staff or fellow students, these behaviors include, but are not limited to:
- Smoking on school grounds or school trips
- Traveling off of school grounds without permission
- Presence in restricted school areas without permission (library, audio/video studio, art area, etc.)
- Dress Expectations
- Causing others to be off task
- Examples include, but are not limited to:
- Having to be asked more than once by staff to return to your seat
- Talking too loudly
- Playing music too loudly (with headphones on, music can be heard in cubicles adjacent to yours)
- Participating in interpersonal drama
- Examples include, but are not limited to:
- Alcohol or drug use, abuse, or possession at school or surrounding areas
- Possession or display of alcohol or drug paraphernalia (marijuana leaves, etc.)
- Inappropriate use of technology
- Examples include, but are not limited to:
- Gaming during work time
- Circumventing computer security
- Installing software without permission
- Streaming music/videos during work time
- Illegal downloading through school network (music, video, software, games, etc.)
- Examples include, but are not limited to:
- Fighting
- Inappropriate language
- Refusal to follow daily work expectations (not participating in advisory, read time, math time, etc.)
- Theft
- Wasting school supplies
- Plagiarism
Students should be able to enjoy certain privileges, as needed to pursue their educational goals at TAGOS Leadership Academy. These privileges include, but are not limited to:
- Headphone use
- Internet use
- Computer use
- Use of audio/video studio
- Use of art area
- Use of kitchen
- Off campus travel
- Leaving campus during lunch, even with parent signature
Please see the District Handbooks for more information