TAGOS Leadership Academy Governance Board Meeting Minutes
October 5, 2022
Alicia Acker, Jen Draz, Patty Hernandez, Marianne McGuire, Catherine Idzerda
Meeting called to order at 4:08 pm
Review and approval minutes of the September 7, 2022 meeting
- Do not have quorum to vote
- Follow-up on action item
- Board Membership
Patty had an impromptu meeting with Rhonda Suda and asked her to give names for those that can fill gaps with homelessness/poverty/low-income, and career readiness. She will send a couple of names and then Jen will reach out. She is adamant that we must start with our youth if we are going to change our story line. Can even give us more than one person.
- Do we want a resume/Q&A for people who are interested in joining?
- Alicia reached out to her coworker, Elisa Colson to see about joining.
- Try to get new board members to come to November meeting to sit-in and watch before being voted in.
Marketing – Brand Guide Discussion
- Might have a student that is interested in working on brand guide with Anna.
- Have not found the original logo file.
Sub-committee for TAGOS success discussion
- Patty will send Doodle invite to group for next meeting.
- Reached out to Headrush to see if they have a survey for the product.
- Has three surveys (student, staff, and parents) and will send to board to review before Patty sends them out.
- Students will be surveyed in advisory.
Dean of Students and Principal Reports
- Looking good with enrollment and attendance.
- 30 students enrolled as of today. Potential of four additional students.
- Last part of project one is Friday. Have been working on getting project tasks completed.
- Seeing that if students do not understand something, they are not advocating for themselves.
TAGOS Parent Report – No parent report
Announcements and request for future agenda items
- Culvers Scoopie Night
- Chick-fil-a
- Movie night
- Red Robin
- Mod Pizza
Action Items for next month
- Brand guide
- Follow-up on original TAGOS file
- Invite potential board members to November TAGOS meeting
Next Board Meeting
- November 2, 2022 at 4pm
- Motion to Adjourn at 4:47pm